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moose yaks: the nereeda network

Want to be the best version of yourself? Want to gain clarity in business/life? After a life coach or mentor? If you answered yes to any of these questions then maybe mentor and life coach Nereeda McInnes can help. Neon Moose sat down for a chat with the positive powerhouse...

Tell us about The Nereeda Network. In a nutshell, The Nereeda Network is a hub for like-minded people who want to gain clarity in business and/or in life. They are people who are willing to do the work in order to be the best version of themselves possible and who really want to make their time count whilst on this planet! At The Nereeda Network we offer coaching and mentoring services, run workshops, have our very own Etsy shop filled with a bunch of downloadable tools to help you to get clear, organised and stay on track, plus we will soon be releasing our very first online course. Yeehar! There is also even more in store in the way of tools, tips and resources too, so watch this space!

What inspired you to start life coaching? Having been an avid student of personal development myself, and having had many coaches and mentors along the way, I think it was a natural transition for me. Every time I work with a coach, attend a workshop or seminar, or speak with any one of my mentors, I always gain so much. I love being held accountable to someone. It means I have to do the things I said I would knowing I have to report back to my coach at every session. It also means I get to share my wins with someone too!

Having a life coach, business coach or mentor really pushes you that bit further than you might have gone had you not been held accountable to your goals. I loved this for myself and really felt I wanted to do the same for others! I also wanted to do something that made a real difference whilst having my lil’ stint here on the planet. I have always loved meeting people and getting an understanding of what makes them come alive, so it made sense to me to make this something I could do for a living. Oh, and I have always wanted to create a business from scratch too!

Tell us about the jump from full time to entrepreneurship. Leaving my full time job to take the leap into full time entrepreneurship was pretty nerve-wracking at the time. Never before had I not been employed full-time (by someone else), well since leaving school anyway, so it was a big change.

Adjusting to this new lifestyle actually took longer than I thought it would too. Developing a new routine, getting used to not having colleagues around to bounce your ideas off and keeping focused when working from home when the dishes needed to be done, or washing needed to be hung up, was definitely something I had to get used to.

I got into the swing of things though and now that I am in a groove, I am loving it! Whilst there is still pressure in growing the business, and the fact that you think about your biz 24/7, there isn’t anything else I would rather be doing. I am so passionate about what I do and simply want others to feel the same about what they do. How cool would that be!?

What attributes contribute to your success? I would have to say my drive and determination to do the things I set out to do and to let go of the things that are no longer serving me attribute to my success. That and the fact that I really want to make my life count.

It’s not always easy, so when things start to veer off track, I remember why I started and the amazing people I have worked with who have inspired me along the way.

How do you try and live by your positive ethos? I do my best to be as positive as possible, but I don’t shy away from the fact that sometimes you can just have a shit day. I am a positive realist I guess you could say. Whilst I like to be diplomatic, I don’t like to sugar coat things too much either, I just like to get in and get done what needs to be done. And when things don’t go to plan or another bump comes along, I look for the lesson, learn what I can and keep going.

What’s your fave motto quote? “If you don’t like where you are, change it. You are not a tree.” – Jim Rohn

Best ‘self help’ book? There are so many awesome books out there, and to be honest, depending on what is going on in life at any given time, they will resonate better at different times. I have had some books for years, and when I finally got to reading them, I realised that had I read them at any other time, I wouldn’t have got nearly as much out of them.

So whilst I couldn’t name one single book, I can tell you that two of my most recent reads were ‘Life in Half a Second’ by Matthew Michalewicz and ‘The Go Giver’ by Bob Berg.

What are your tips for people who want to follow their dream, or follow their passion? Go for it! Your time is now. You don’t get to the end of the road with the ability to start again. This is it!! Imagine yourself at the age of 80 years old looking back at your life, what would you regret having not done? What would be a waste of your life? Now go get cracking and do those things. Make your life count. And like the saying goes, if it scares you, it is usually the thing you need to do!

What would you say to someone seeking life coach advice? Do it! Be willing to push yourself and grow. Inspire yourself! It has a ripple effect too. Once you start living more in alignment with who you really are, you will be amazed at how many people you inspire to do the same!

Are there any motivational people who you admire? If yes, who? I am inspired by most people. As I said earlier, I love meeting people and I am amazed at how many people down play their achievements or things they have accomplished in their lives. When you take the time to really listen to what people have done, what they have gone through and how they have come out the other side, these are the things that truly inspire.

As for people who motivate, to me, they are anyone who fell and got back up again, who struggled to achieve but kept going anyway, who followed their passion even when it didn’t make sense to anyone else and made it happen.

And if I had to pick actual people, I would say Marie Forleo, online business and life coach, Emma Issacs, CEO of Business Chicks, Ellen DeGeneres and of course, Oprah.

Besides The Nereeda Network, which inspiring blog do you recommend? I follow so many blogs and am inspired by so many, but if I had to recommend only one, I would have to recommend Marie Forleo. She is awesome.

What do you enjoy most about what you do? I love seeing people light up when they get things happening for them. It is so bloody inspiring to watch people make their lives more than it was the day before. People with drive, tenacity and a belief that there is more to their life than just getting up, going to work, eating tea and going to bed rock my world! I love knowing that I am making a difference and that people I work with are making a difference too. I love the challenge of pulling everything together and designing a life that inspires me, and my hope is that it inspires others just the same.


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