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moose musings: get dressed for success

In spirit of the looming Melbourne Cup, I penned a few prose for Style Hunter where you can read the full version. Otherwise, here's a tres-quick and <edited> easy guide on what to wear - and what not to wear - during the Cup Season.

1. If you must - a hat or fascinator. Just make sure it screams 'chic’ over '90's child star 'B​lossom’.

2. Dresses should be fun, colourful and daytime-appropriate. Steer clear from denim or nightclub attire.

3. Try not to match accessories to your dress – no one likes the matchy-matchy look. Unless you’re five.

4. White is major this season. And mesh. Bonus points if you weave these two trends into your outfit.

5. Prints are your best friend. Think paint brush splashes and bright colours. Other on trend prints include snake print, dots and loud quirky ones.

6. Pastels, pastels pastels – done right, you can look sorbet-chic.


8. Metallics are still having a moment. Embrace it.

9. Cut outs <showing a hint of skin> definitely make the fashion cut.

10. Balance proportions. What's loose on top should be tight fitting on bottom. And visa versa.

melbourne cup

For all other fashion tips, check out the Oct/Nov issue of Aspire magazine, where I'm on the fashion panel dishing out more fashion-y advice.

Moose out

B x

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