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moose yaks: the perfect wife

Like anyone with half decent culinary skills, Tiffany Hill has been getting busy in the kitchen. But it wasn’t until last year when she stepped it up a notch, realising her extraordinary culinary skills could actually pay the bills. And so began The Perfect Wife, the catering company that provides healthy home cooked options to families, couples and singles.

But wait, there’s more.

The Perfect Wife also supplies a range of healthy snacks (think addictive bliss balls and moreish muesli slices) to cafés and health-orientated businesses around South Australia.

So how did she bake her way to success? With determination, a great attitude and a knack for whipping up delicious health food. Neon Moose gets the skinny.

Firstly, what does your job entail?

My job starts from the minute I open my eyes. The first thing I do is choose to be positive and believe that every new day will bring success. I then have to sell my dream and vision to others. I do this through door to door sales of my products and social media. Once I have clients and outlets it then goes to production, at this stage I still make all the products myself. The products are then packaged, the customers are invoiced, and I deliver the goods when required. The job requires long days and hard work.

What was The Perfect Wife born out of?

I’ve been into my healthy eating for over 10 years now and I want to bring healthy food to the tables of others. I noticed a large gap in the snack cabinets of cafés, which consequently meant no snack for the health conscious customer who doesn’t eat sugar and no add on sale for the cafe owner. A Perfect Wife snack is a substitute for sugar but most importantly contains whole raw power foods that are essential to our daily needs. All that aside the best part is that they are absolutely delicious!

How did you get to where you are?

Blood, sweat and tears! Hard work, focus, determination to succeed and constantly believing that you will get there even when the odds are against you! I guess in a nutshell I would say by never giving up.

What attributes contribute to your success?

I guess I am a hard worker, I always worked hard making others money so I decided to focus my gifts towards my own life. I try my hardest to be positive, but trust me there are days when I just want to fall in a heap and die (lol). I’m a people person, which is very important! I make sure I put my clients first and make it about them. Sales has always been one of my key attributes in the work arena and this is super important. I am also a systems girl and I am committed to making sure they are in place and constantly evolving.

There is a wellness movement going on, how does The Perfect Wife contribute to that?

So many people are starting to move towards wellness, wellness junkies are making it hard not too, haha! Because my food tastes so yummy even people who declare they only like crap like it too, and that is super important. I get loads of feedback that the little people (toddlers and children) love my food and that makes me super happy. The home catering is great for busy people, the small function catering is great for people who don’t want junk at their parties and the café catering provides us with a healthy snack option to have with our cuppa.

How do you try and live by your wellness ethos?

My motto is, ‘wellness is a conscious decision to commit to a healthy way of life!’ It does NOT just happen! This commitment must be a daily act and its focus is holistic. I start everyday with exercise, oh accept two days a week because I am up at 4.30am to start deliveries. I have made food my friend and not my enemy and I make sure I eat well every day. I try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. And I make sure that there is always time to take tea, play with my pooch and catch up with my besties.

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

All of it! Especially the vast opportunities it allows me to meet and mingle with new people. I love people and knowing that I am making a difference to their health makes me happy.


The PW ultimate healthy pancakes

½ cup of organic quick oats

2 heaped tablespoons of coconut flour

½ cup of ancient grains and quinoa milk with chia

¼ cup of water

1 teaspoon of chia seeds

1 teaspoon of breakfast booster

1 tablespoon of raw protein powder

1 egg

Mix all the ingredients together, and then spoon into and medium heated pan with coconut oil. I found they took a while so be patient before flipping them or they will break. Plate them up drizzle with a little more melted coconut oil, a sprinkle of chia seeds and handful of blueberries and some yummy yogurt on the side.



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