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moose musings: happy effing b'day

So i just realised that Neon Moose turned a big fat one on June 4.

<happy belated b'day to me!>

But really - if we're getting t e c h n i c a l, it's just the Neon Moose name that turned one.

You see, I'm going by the day I registered Neon Moose. Some go by the first client. Some <if you're a bricks and mortar business> go by the day their doors open.

Well if that's the case, Neon Moose's metaphorical doors opened years ago. Like, right back to my first foray in freelancing, which was right about the time Jay Z won the 20th annual MTV Awards <thanks Google>. I''m talking about the year 2003.

I'll spare you the time warp, but it was around this time i wrote a book review for Lip magazine, unpaid, of course <that first feeling of seeing my words in print = priceless>.

The next freelance gig was for Frankie magazine.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

So getting back to getting t e c h n i c a l <not sure why I'm writing technical like that> Neon Moose has been around for 11 years. 11 years of being a certified content monkey - writing copy, working fulltime at magazines: Rip it Up, Onion and Attitude magazine <4 years>, radio stations: SAFM and Triple M <3 years> with marketing <Splash Adelaide, Crowne Plaza Adelaide>, freelancing <Rundle Mall magazine, Inside Adelaide, Adelaide Dining magazine> and social media management in between.

Yes, I'm a word nerd. A one year old <plus 10 yrs> word nerd.

Happy <11th> birthday to me, alright.

Moose out


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